Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Heat Wave

I've been flipping by the channels and keep hitting news stations that are going on and on about the "record-breaking" temperatures and "hottest day of the year"yada yada yada blah blah blah 105 degrees omg we're all gonna die. I'm sitting here thinking...you know down here in Texas we're all just kinda goin' 105 degrees? so what? I was in Europe a few years ago and was trying to explain 116 degree weather to a little Italian girl in the bookstore. by the time we converted it to celsius she just shook her head in disbelief and said "but people would DIE at that temperature" and we all responded "well, some people ARE dying"

anyway = I went back to the fitday stuff from 2 years ago when I was losing weight so well - I went and got some slimfast and smartones meals. No more of this eat 6 times a day bullshit. I was GAINING WEIGHT on that method. What a crock . I'm going back to what I know works - and I have the energy to work out when I do that.
Still no job for MyPoolBoy- the HS said they would interview him next week, so we'll have to wait and see.

Oh, and I got a letter today from Who's Who -- I am going to be in the silver anniversary edition of Who's Who of America's Women!

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