Saturday, November 18, 2006

Back to Fitday

I decided to get back to tracking my calories and stuff on FitDay.Com because when I did it 3-4 years ago, I actually lost like 20 pounds and was down to a size 6-8. I think I have to have it in front of my face -- I also need to step up what exercise I am doing -- some is better than none, but I'm not burning enough calories, I don't guess. Still at the same weight this a.m. and it is pissing me off because I have FAITHFULLY worked out for 2 weeks (I even worked out the morning that I was sick and only missed the 2 days after that when I was sleeping stuck in bed). I've almost totally cut out my Dr. Pepper (like 1-2 per week) and am using a lot of restraint when it comes to snacks/sweets. So, the body clutter menu mailer worked for a few weeks but I've hit a wall and I need to really look at how to limit my calorie intake so that the weight will start dropping again.

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