Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Top Ten Again

Gonna try to do this Top Ten thing again and make myself some goals. So far I feel like I've accomplished very little -- I think I 've been so stressed out before spring break that I don't want to do ANYTHING now!

So, tomorrow I want/have to:
1) Take Thunderduck to Walmart and find some cheap material to do seat covers for "the car".
That means I will have to:
2) Measure all the seats in Thunderduck's car *DONE*
3) Take Thunderduck to buy bolts to put his water pump and fan back on his engine
4) Clean the kitchen & do dishes *DONE*
5) Make some beans & sausage or else the crockpot chicken stuff for dinner (we are having tuna sandwiches for lunch - poor Chunk has been wanting them for 2 days now!) *DONE*
6) Put up one box of Christmas decorations -- don't laugh this is a really serious situation right now....my dadburn tree is still up
7) Take Chunk to the movies at 10am to see "The Pacifier" for the free spring break deal *DONE*
8) Clean out the CJ
9) Convince various assortments of my children to mow the yard for me
That means I will have to:
10) Clean the yard.

BTW - I am really tired of that inconsiderate MAN that I am married to bouncing the freaking bed every time he sits on it, puts on shoes, lays down, etc. He doesn't know how much his lard butt bounces everything. He is such a bull in a china shop! GOOD LORD! You rude jerk! Freaking lay down like a normal human. The worst is in the morning when his lazy butt is supposed to be at work at 4am but he lays in bed until 3:50 and then jumps up and runs to get shoes and clomps them on while sitting on the bed and then rushes out the door without brushing his teeth or anything -- and then wonders why I a) don't want to kiss his nasty self and b) did I go back to sleep after he left? Heck no I didn't go back to sleep! I know how ants in an ant farm feel when their little world gets turned upside down by sugar-loaded, Ritalin-needing children get ahold of them. You are an incredible oaf. No one can sleep with your fat slob self practically knocking them out of bed.

WHEW! What a vent. I love having a blog.

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