Wednesday, June 08, 2005

On a roll...

Can you believe it? Another 1/2 a pound in a day! And I didn't even exercise yesterday because of my knee. I went ahead and recorded the weight I was this morning. I completely expected it to be just at 158 because I had lost that whole pound the day before, but it stayed off and then some! I'm gonna look and see what P90X has in store for Wednesday - at least I might do the AbRipper. I would get in the pool but it is greenish looking... and I added Shock It this morning. Guess it needs another dose. Anyway, I'm on a roll, so I was REALLY good and avoided eating a brownie this a.m. before lunch. And I had a salad with chicken breast for lunch and got surprisingly full. I DID eat a bit of my dark chocolate bar as a treat, but at the rate I'm going, it will take me over a week to finish it. I'm figuring that if I hang in there and keep making progress that I'll hit 155 by Monday. Wow! five pounds in just over a week. I'm so psyched!

No progress on TIHA today. I got really upset over the lack of cooperation and scattered stuff last night that I am really bummed over it. Besides, it is a good excuse to rest my knee a little longer. If I'm doing better after 4pm then I will start back up then. I have to go out back and clean the trailer out, too.

Well, gonna go for now - I thought of a good title for my book/family stories collection: "Small Town Stories" (someday, sigh)

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